Clay Detox Mask
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When I decided to make a clay mask I spent some time researching and trying different recipes, but I quickly found that if the mask paste is pre mixed, I would need a lot of artificial preservative to make sure it didn't go bad. As a general Lavender Anne's policy we stay away from that junk! Unfortunately most clay masks are loaded with chemicals and preservatives so it can sit on the shelf in the store, but this is not what I wanted to put on my skin while I trying to rid my skin of toxins! That is why I came up with the loose powder that you mix on your own. This also gives each individual the ability to change how they make their clay mask according to seasons and skin type.
Use this clay mix once a week to keep your skin feeling clear and toxin free! Mix 1:1 ratio of liquid to powder. Use any liquid you like: water, vinegar, yogurt, herbal tea, aloe gel, etc. In the summer months, when my skin is oily, I like to use Apple Cider Vinger to dry out the skin; and in winter I will usually make some green tea (for its anti aging properties) and add a touch of yogurt! Feel free to play around with the best combination for you!
Leave on for 5-20 minutes then rinse off with warm water, then apply a moisturizer. The goal of the Clay Mask is bring blood to the skin to clear and tighten the pores as well as heal the skin. Because of this your skin will be red for about 20 minutes after you rinse*.
*if you have very sensitive skin I suggest testing a small amount on the inside of your elbow to see the reaction your skin will have.